Serie Cavatori Paintings

The Cavatori Paintings

Upon arranging a 6-week lasting art-event in the middle of one of the most beautiful situated quarries in the Alpi Apuani near Carrara in the eighties (C, C & C, Calcite, Culture & Carrara 1986) I wanted to come back one day to dignify those who design with their daily work this grandiose and chaotic white marble landscape. I wanted to give an hommage to the Cavatori di Carrara.

2006 than the Carraresi Carlo Musetti, Geologist, gave me the chance to spend two weeks together with the marble quarry workers (cavatori) in the underground quarry called "Belgia Bassa n.123" which quarries out large caverns into the mountain, and in the quarry called "Fossa del Lupo n. 26" which rises up to the sky. Both in Valle di Torrano around 1000 meter above sea level.

The Cavatori Paintings now are my very personal conclusion about this habitation amongst the crew, are my individual homage to the impressing men of Carrara.

German Summary

Im Sommer 2006 bot mir der Carrareser Geologe Carlo Musetti die einmalige Chance, mich zwei Wochen lang täglich innerhalb der Steinbrucharbeiter-Crew in den Marmorbrüchen von Carrara bewegen zu dürfen. Alle Arbeiten in unmittelbarer Nähe zu beobachten, zu skizzieren und erste Portraitstudien der Cavatori, der Männer in den Steinbrüchen, anzulegen. Daraus entstand in der Folgezeit die rund 30 Bilder umfassende Serie Cavatori Paintings.